Messages between bounded context By David Boyne
Messages between bounded context By David Boyne

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When sending data between bounded context you have a few options to handle the data/contracts.
Conformist Pattern
- System A sends data to System B. System B does no translation of the data before using it within it’s bounded context.
- System B conforms to the data/contract.
Anti-Corruption Layer
- System B does not want to conform to the contract of System A.
- System B translates the data into a domain model it can understand.
Open-Host Service
- System A sends data to System B but translates it before it is sent.
- Public language is used between systems.
- Integration details of System A is still locked away, but public inteface/message exposed.
Extra Resources
- Learning Domain Driven Design - Notes taken from the book “Learning Domain Driven Design” by Vladik Khononov.
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