EventStorming By David Boyne

EventStorming By David Boyne


Need to figure out what events your system has? Or what commands generate events? Need to identify bounded context within your system? EventStorming can help.

EventStorming is a great method to help you identify your events, commands, aggregates and domains. EventStorming can also be used to help identify areas of duplication and complexity within your system.

It’s important we understand the behaviour of the systems we try and build, event storming brings domain experts and engineers together to get a shared understanding and start to identify the behaviour of the system.

What is EventStorming?

EventStorming is a workshop for collaborative exploration of business domains. You can use it on existing systems or new systems. Use EventStormting to accelerate your EDA applications.

What are the different parts / keys of EventStorming

  • Orange: Events - Events written in past tense
  • Blue: Commands - Command to trigger the event
  • Yellow: Actors - Person who executes a command
  • Green: View - View user interacts with to carry out task/command
  • Pink: External System - Third party providers (e.g payment service)
  • Yellow: Aggregate - Cluster of domain objects treated as a unit
  • Purple: Business Process - Process command to generate event

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Diagrams and thoughts by @boyney123 to help you learn.